Art. 1 – Constitution of the “Group”
Understood that " Group " means the free union of people who have a common goal and that this aim can be , in this case , referring to their passion for radio, joined with previous or present membership in Italian Alpine Corps and also of those that anyway share the intents and sympathize with the Alpines . Established that the activity of amateur radio is legally recognized and regulated by Italian law as " Amateur Service " as defined by the International Regulation of Communications and implemented by Presidential Decree in Italy n.1214/1966 , as well as the Electronic Communications Code by the DPRn.259/2003 and subsequent amendments and additions , was formed in Cuneo on 07.26.2011, a “Group” called “Gruppo Radioamatori Alpini” (Alpine Radioamateurs Group), hereafter said “G.R.A.”, with the aim of promoting cultural and scientific activities in the field of radio communication, spreading and developing amateur radio science. The "GRA", which follows the directives of this Regulation, has national and international importance, as finalities aims both to IARU (International Association Radio Union) as to ARI (Italian Radio Amateur Association) of which adopts the statute and endorses the principles and ideas, adapts as well to the Rules of ARI Cuneo Section, observing the guidelines issued by the Board of the Section.
Art. 2 – Address and Purposes
The "GRA" has its own local address at the ARI Cuneo club, Via Rota, 15 - 12100 Cuneo - Association of which issues and aims to promote every possible scientific and cultural activity linked to the world of radio communications. Activities as to promote the joining of Alpine Hams together and bring to the attention of amateurs all over the world the "Alpini Corps" and "Alpine Troops", creating conferences and meetings such as to rediscover the values of friendship and solidarity aimed to get everyone together to achieve the same purposes. To achieve the above goals, the team will take all steps thought useful and compatible with this Regulation.
Art. 3 – Membership
All OM and / or SWL who have been part of the Alpini Corps can enroll in the "GRA", as well as all radio amateurs and SWL of both Italian and foreign nationality who, while not having been Alpines send the request to register as a "SIMPATHIZER", while in possession of a valid amateur radio or SWL operator licence . The number of Members is unlimited. Belonging to the "GRA" never ends, if not by radiation, because of failure to comply with the standards established by this Regulation, or by morally or materially behavior adversely affecting the "GRA". Each participant may withdraw its membership in the "GRA" by a simple written communication
The request for registration must be done by filling in the "ON LINE" form which is available on the site of the “G.R.A.” - Amateur Alpine Group. Acceptance of registration will be formalized by
sending to the applicant, the CERTIFICATE (via email), that will include the registration number and the logo "GRA" ®. For those who do not use the internet, the application form will be asked to
"GRA" by regular mail, and returned to the same, enclosing a SASE (with sufficient value) envelope (A4 size).
Given that the “G.R.A.” is an emanation of ARI Cuneo, similar activities to those provided and aiming to the same purposes will be authorized by the “G.R.A.” submitting a simple
written request from any interested one
Art. 4 – Rights and Duties.
The Members have the right to affix the logo "GRA" (®), and the obligation to indicate their "Registration Number", preceded by the acronym "GRA", on the QSLs for QSOs made on behalf of the "GRA ". They can also use the logo and registration number in the correspondence and in their website pages. They will cooperate in any possible extent on the implementation of planned activities by the "GRA", respecting the concepts of this Regulation.
Art. 5 – Section A.R.I.Cuneo - The team 's co-workers " G.R.A. "
The team that designed and created the "GRA", is currently composed by the following members of the ARI Cuneo: Bruno-IK1AAS the ideator, helped by Alfredo-I1 DPH and
Simplicio-IZ1DNM, Silvio-I1SU, Adriano- I1YYG, Alberto-IZ1 GDT and Rinaldo-IZ1 MGH, with the collaboration of all other hams concerned by the argument that, in order to raise awareness and
promote all the national and international activities of the Corps of Alpine, have created a permanent Award dedicated to this Corp, called “PENNE NERE” (black feathers). Everyone achieving the
required score for the Diploma, if interested in the more ambitious goals, can reach higher scores, continuing on his qso's and obtain the desired "PLATE".
The team with the Board Committee and OM's of the A.R.I. Cuneo Section available to carry out the necessary activities for the management of this Certificate, Award and other will meet at least
every 6 months to analyze the performance of activities, taking care to adopt all the necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the success and continuation of the award itself. The
notification of the date of convening of the "Half-Year Reunion" and its agenda, will be exhibited on the bulletin board of the ARI Section, as also on the website page of the "GRA", at least 8
days before the date set and agreed between the Team and the President of the Section .
Art. 6 – Any other
All notices of common interest of the members , will be made via e-mail or, exceptionally, by regular mail .
The QSL Manager of the "GRA" will handle the cards that , on an accrual basis , the QSL Manager of the Section will forward him .
Although not expressly stated in these Regulations , please refer to the edicts of the law.
Read and approved .
I1YYG - Adriano Peano
Presidente (Sez. A.R.I. Cuneo)
Cuneo, November4th.2011